Celebration of Excellence Nomination Deadline is January 11, 2018

At Enterprise Bank we know what it is like to dedicate oneself to achieving a dream. For nearly 30 years, we have witnessed the amazing results attained by people who are determined to create success, no matter what. These people are not seeking recognition, nor do they need to receive awards. They know that creating success is its own reward. They are your neighbors, friends, business associates and teachers.

Every two years, we host the Celebration of Excellence, a joyous, invitation-only event that celebrates these amazing people with the public recognition they so richly deserve. We will host our next Celebration of Excellence on May 1, 2018 at Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Any Massachusetts or New Hampshire-based business or individual can be nominated for one of the Enterprise Bank’s Celebration of Excellence Awards.

Start the new year by taking the time to nominate a person or organization that you believe has a fantastic story to share.  No doubt your nomination will make someone’s day a little brighter!

Nomination categories are:

Business of the Year – a company that has achieved significant success;

Corporate Philanthropy Award – a company that has enriched their community by giving back;

Non-Profit of the Year – a non-profit or charitable organization giving back to the community;

Entrepreneur of the Year – an individual who started a business from the ground up;

Community Service – Individual – a person who has given back with their time, talent and treasure;

Educator of the Year –an individual who has made a difference in the education field.

The deadline for all COE nominations is January 11, 2018. To learn more about the event or to make a nomination in one of our award categories, click here.

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